Uncover the Luxury Eyewear Maker Kering Eyewear

Uncover the Luxury Eyewear Maker Kering Eyewear

Luxury eyewear is synonymous with the name Kering Eyewear. You may not be aware of the company name, but for sure you know the designers: Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen, and Montblanc to name a few. Kering brands their name as luxury eyewear for a reason, and it’s beyond the designer names.

What is Luxury Eyewear?

There are two components to luxury eyewear: art and materials. Art is the expression put forth into the design of the frames and lenses that can in essence ‘speak’ to a buyer or appeal to the buyer’s sense of style, color and quality. When the style is what the person wants to wear, the next consideration is quality. What are the materials? Luxury eyewear also means wearing the best quality materials on your face, more than the standard plastic.

In the News

In June, the Wall Street Journal reported on Kering, the French luxury group, that their goal is to double its sales by focusing its efforts in the U.S. We love our luxury eyewear. However, they plan on doing this by reducing their reliance on Gucci by focusing on another well known brand, Yves Saint Laurent. As they should. They are amazing. Take a quick look at our collection.

The Art of Yves Saint Laurent Eyewear

Yves Saint Laurent eyewear are a haute couture design. This means that the creation is a beautiful fit for the face and at least partially crafted by hand, which the designer eyewear is. The designer eyewear is crated of state of the art materials such as acetate and titanium, but of which are of the highest quality metals. But they are not made everywhere. No, Yves Saint Laurent eyewear are handcrafted in Italy for quality assurance. And we can tell.

Do You Need to Go into a Store or Buy Online?

That is certainly up too you, but the trend has gone to online. Right now, according to Statista, in 2022, it’s just about an equal split purchasing eyewear on the desktop versus on the mobile device. However, within the next couple of years, mobile will surpass desktop by 5%. This shows that you can buy a pair of luxury eyewear on the Internet and it work out.

You’ve had eyewear already. You know what you like and what looks best on you. More people are confident that what they buy will work out to be a long time purchase.

Our Experience

We can say from our own experience of selling luxury eyewear online that less than 1% return any eyewear purchased on Framebay.com. Especially since we specialize in luxury eyewear, the purchase the eyewear as an investment in themselves. As everyone should.

Eyewear Collections

View the fabulous collections made by Kering on our website today. You’ll see their brands from Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen and Montblonc. Once you fit yourself into a pair, you’ll be back for a pair that expresses your artful mood, personality or style for the day. You got to have more than one pair!

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